Highland Hospital Welcomes FBU Students in Residency Program

Five Branches University students complete clinical residency requirements alongside Western medical students in outpatient and inpatient rounds.

The Picture above shows Ms. Angela Tu, LAc, Five Branches University Board Chair and Dr Amy Matecki, ICMI President and Chief of Integrative Medicine at Highland Hospital, surrounded by students of Five Branches University during hospital residency.

Five Branches University, the International Center for Integrative Medicine and Highland Hospital are proud of this first TCM residency in the United States, and we look forward to establishing more TCM residencies in U.S. hospitals.

Meeting the rigorous requirements of a hospital residency, Five Branches University TCM students show up before 8am and join Western medical students to follow MD’s and LAc’s in their inpatient and outpatient rounds. The residency includes attending, participating and presenting at grand rounds.

This opportunity has been an exhilarating and rewarding learning experience for our TCM students where they can see Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine being integrated in a real world setting.

Student Kamolluck Trateng wrote:

It was unbelievably amazing. I have spent hours reading about Leukemia on Wednesday night and got some info but after attending the 1st Hematology session yesterday I have a much better understanding what has been done on the Leukemia patients. I learned so much in the best quality that is absorbable and practical information in one day. Having permission to be in all classes the program provided I feel blessed. My wish comes true. Thank you so much for every effort your extraordinary team put for us. I will do my best to keep up and read ahead even though English is my 2nd language. I will tell every FBU student that nothing can beat this residency program.

Student Leslie Yedor wrote:

My experience yesterday was profoundly positive. I was highly engaged in each aspect of the day, my current level of knowledge (both TCM and western) was tested, and I was given clear direction for pursuing a deeper understanding of both systems of medicine and how to integrate them. This is the level of education I have been searching for. My request to our advisors is to continue to push me. Hold me accountable for everything you wish me to know. Set the bar high. I spoke with Dr. Matecki today about the possibility of researching the effects of acupuncture on chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy. I would greatly appreciate support and direction in becoming involved in research at Highland. I cannot thank you all enough for your time and dedication.

Five Branches University, the International Center for Integrative Medicine and Highland Hospital are proud of this first TCM residency in the United States, and we look forward to establishing more TCM residencies in U.S. hospitals.