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臨床醫生 (SC)

Eleonor Seiff-Mendelson
L.Ac, B.Pt., DAOM

Eleonor Mendelson received her Master’s and Doctorate degrees in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches University. She worked for over a decade as a physical therapist in hospitals, out-patient clinics and in-home care in her home country, Israel, and was a lecturer on behalf of the health education department. Eleonor specializes in pain management and endocrinology.
Shawn Smolinski
Associate Professor

Shawn Smolinski received his Master’s in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches University in 2008. He trained with Jennifer Minor and Miranda Warburton, two of NATSTA's most senior instructors for 16 months in a nationally recognized clinical apprenticeship in Jin Shou Tuina?. Shawn combines Tuina, Acupuncture and CranioSacral Therapy in a focused treatment setting often giving herbal and diet/nutriment recommendations, as well as qigong or other exercises to support his patient’s progress at home. He specializes in the treatment of: acute and chronic pain syndromes, insomnia/anxiety, cancer support, and stroke rehabilitation.
Stephanie He
L.Ac., M.D. (China), DAOM
Senior Professor

Stephanie He graduated with honors in 1985 from Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She worked for thirteen years as a physician and instructor at the Tianjin University of TCM Teaching Hospital, one of China’s most prestigious Traditional Chinese Medicine hospitals. During her tenure at Tianjin University she trained with Dr. Shi Xuemin on the treatment of stroke. Stephanie has published numerous research articles in nationally recognized journals of TCM. She is a professor at Five Branches University and a graduate of the Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine program.
中醫針灸師 , 中醫碩士學位 , 全國針灸證書 , 專科醫師 ( 中國 )
Senior Professor

1982 畢業於中國青海大學醫學院,之後在世界衛生組織和上海精神衛生中心聯合舉辦的國際精神科醫師培訓中心繼續深造,成為神經精神病學專家。他創建了青海省西寧市博愛專科醫院,除治療精神疾患外,並以此開創了中西醫結合對鴉片類藥物成癮和依賴患者的治療和康復項目。之後,王教授在舊金山美洲中醫學院獲得中醫碩士學位,和加州五系中醫院大學的中醫博士學位。他擁有加州行醫執照 , 與全美針灸和中醫藥證書。王教授在中國和美國擔任多項教職和主導多項臨床研究,及發表多項學術論文。包括西寧市博愛專科醫院院長,美州中醫學院雙語教學部主任,教務處副主任等職務。他現在加州舊金山灣區設有私人診所,愛好飼養德國狼狗與滑雪。王教授現任五系中醫院大學終身教授,除擔任碩士班和博士班相關教學工作外,還負責我校中西醫結合教育和San Jose 校區診所的臨床教學工作等。
中醫針灸師, 執照西醫師 (中國)
Senior Professor

朱教授專攻疼痛治療,皮膚病和泌尿科疾病。憑藉多年臨床經驗,他運用多種中醫療法為病人制定綜合中醫治療方案,包括中草藥,針灸,推拿,和艾炙等。業餘時間, 朱教授喜愛讀書,游泳和旅遊。 朱教授在針灸步部,臨床醫學和臨床培訓部任教。
Senior Professor

自 1984 她協助創辦加州中醫藥大學以來 , 趙主任一直擔任我校的教務校長及臨床部主任。早 年 便立志投身於中醫事業 , 其叔父乃是一名醫 , 使她在孩提時代就對中醫充滿興趣。 趙 振平 畢業於上海中醫藥大學,攻讀中西醫結合專業。她師從名醫、針灸大師,她在中美國 TWO 國傳授和 運用 中醫, 已近三十年 。她主攻癌症,免疫系統疾病和精神情緒疾患。