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DTCM/MTCM Dual-Degree Program

Registration for DTCM/MTCM continuing students takes place during the prior semester (i.e. registration for spring takes place in fall) with dates and appointment times posted in advance. Registration is conducted on a semester basis. Once a student has completed registration, no schedule changes (add/drop) will be allowed until the Monday following the end of registration for both campuses.

Registration for new incoming DTCM/MTCM students and those returning from a Leave of Absence (LOA) occurs in the week prior to the start of the semester.

Late registration is possible up to the first day of classes with a late registration fee of $40.

Degree Audit

A Degree Audit is a record of student progress showing course work completed at Five Branches University, Clinical Training Hours, transfer credit accepted and courses in progress. It also serves as a guide for the registration process, allowing students to see what academic and clinical courses they need to take to maintain steady progress through their respective program. DTCM/MTCM students receive an updated Degree Audit prior to each registration period. An updated Degree Audits is also available by request from the Registrar’s Office.

Current Students