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Information for Future StudentsClick here for guidance

Bridge Program Info Session

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Join our online info session on Wednesday November 13th to learn how you can earn your Doctor title on your own time! You’ll learn about Five Branches University’s Bridge Program where Licensed Acupuncturists can earn either their DAcHM or DAc degree in only one year (three trimesters totally 315 hours) earning them the Doctor Title.

At our event you’ll learn about what it takes to go through our program. You’ll get a preview of how our learning platform looks, get a detailed overview of our program, and get your questions answered in our Q&A session. 

Our on-demand program allows you to work at your own pace and take classes on a schedule that accommodates your work schedule while regular instructor office hours make sure that your professors are available to you when you need help.

Event Details: 

  • When: Wed. Nov. 13th
  • Time: 6:00PM PST
  • Where: Online!  

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